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Best Gujarati books Score A book’s total score is based on multiple factors, including the number of people who have voted for it and how highly those voters ranked the book. Google nik software complete collection. Pratilipi: Read Hindi, Gujarati and Tamil Stories, Poems and Books They are online publishers. You can write stories, articles, poems etc on their platform.
Gujarati Navalkatha
The Contribution of Late Shri Harilal Upadhyay is not limited to novels only. He have wrote some Short Stories (generally folk stroies) also. Due to his nature of being explorative (and down to earth personality), during his research work he met a lot of people.

From this experiences he have seen the other side of the society also. He found the people who live with nature and animals might be poor at wealth but not morals, brave enough to stand for the truth, ready to help to the strangers also. They can show such great idea of self respect, huminity and ethics which is very tough for wealthy, educated people also.