Indian History In Hindi Language

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(5000 BC) carving of in, India Paleolithic era [ ] Remains (stone tools and a ) in central India show presence of an early species of man,. Think they lived in India between 200,000 to 500,000 years ago.

This period is known as the. The earliest in the subcontinent is the paleolithic site in the. Soanian sites are found in the across India, Pakistan and Nepal. Mesolithic [ ] Modern humans ( ) settled in the at least 12,000 years ago.

At that time the last had just ended and climate became warm and dry. First settlements of human beings in India are found in, a place near (, India). People lived on hunting, and food gathering. Neolithic [ ] agriculture sprang up in the region around 7000 years ago, in the lower around 5000 years ago. Later, in South India, agriculture spread southwards and also into around 3800 years ago. Bronze Age [ ].

Oct 15, 2017 - GK online Quiz for Ancient Indian History in Hindi, GK Question. Providing General Knowledge Online test in both languages (hindi.

The fighting. By the first half of the fifth century, a group of people known as had settled in Afghanistan. They became powerful. They made as their capital city. They started attacking northwestern parts of India. Skandagupta, an emperor of the fought back and kept them away for some years.

Indian History

At last the Huns won and could enter most parts of northern India. With this the Gupta dynasty came to an end. Most of north India became badly affected by this invasion. However, Huns could not go up to the and the southern parts of India.

Indian History In Hindi Pdf Download

These parts remained peaceful. No one knows definitely about the fate of Huns after the end of the sixth century. Some historians believe that they mixed up fully with the Indian people of that time. Late Middle Kingdoms [ ] In the history of India, covers a period beginning from around the 6th-7th century. In South India, kings ruled, and kings ruled. They also had trading relationships with the to the west and to the east.

In north India, ruled in many kingdoms. Some of those kingdoms continued for hundreds of years. Harsha's empire [ ] After the collapse of the, it was of (a place now in Uttar Pradesh state of India) who united the northern parts of India in one kingdom.


After his death several dynasties tried to control north India and ruled from time to time from 7th century till the 9th century as described in some of the sections below. Some of these dynasties were the of and later Kannauj; the of, and the of the Deccan. The Pratiharas, Palas, and Rashtrakutas [ ] The kings ruled kingdoms in and some other parts of northern India from the 6th century to the 11th century. The ruled the eastern part of India. They ruled over areas which are now parts of the Indian states of Bihar, Jharkhand, and the west Bengal, and of Bangladesh. The Palas ruled from 8th century to the 12th century. In the southern parts of India, of (Karnataka) ruled the during the 8th-10th centuries after the end of rule.

Ancient indian history in hindi language

Aug 27, 2018 - Guys Are Looking for Indian History Notes 2018 in Hindi,if you are for. Will provide you Indian history notes for ssc in hindi language. Hindi language History and varieties. Literary Hindi, written in the Devanagari script. Sanskrit and the Prakrit and Apabhramsha languages—the precursors. Modern standard Hindi evolved from the interaction of early speakers. In earlier Hindi the relative clause.

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All these three dynasties always tried to control the entire north India. During all this time lasting for three to four hundred years, the kings were growing in power and influence. The Rajputs [ ] In the 6th century several Rajput kingdoms came into being in Rajasthan. Bab iii metode penelitian kualitatif pdf. Many other Rajput kings ruled in different parts of north India. Some of these kingdoms continue to survive for hundreds of years during different periods of the history of India. Vijayanagar empire [ ] In 1336, two brothers named and founded the in an area which is now in Karnataka state of India.

Indian Railway History In Hindi Language

The most famous king of this empire was. In 1565, rulers of this empire were defeated in a battle. But, the empire continued for about next one hundred years. A number of kingdoms of south India had trading relations with the Arabs in the west, and with Indonesia and other countries of the east. Islamic sultanates [ ] Islam spread across the Indian subcontinent over a period of 500 years. In the 10th and 11th centuries, Turks and Afghans invaded India and established sultanates in Delhi.