Serial Port Hyperterminal

Posted on  by admin
  1. Vga Port
  2. Hyperterminal Commands Rs232

The hyperterminal in COMM mode is hard wired to the serial port connector on the PC. You C# software cannot access the same serial port the the hyperterminal is using so you would need a 2nd serial port on teh PC and a Null Modem whichwoould connect the two serial ports together. What you should do instead is set the HyperTerminal to TCP/IP which is on the same menu as the com port selection. You can make the Hyperterminal eith erthe client or Ser as follows 1) Option 1 C# as Client Hyperterminal as Server Configure Hyperterminal to TCPIP and IP address (loopback IP address) and port number. Usually I recommend a port number > 10,000. Start the hyperterminal and you will get an error can't connect to port number.

Then go to call menu and select 'wait for call'. Start C# application after Hyperterminal. Watch tv series online free.

Vga Port


Hyperterminal Commands Rs232

Use TCPCLient with same port number as Hyperterminal. Connect to 'LocalHost' as IP addrress. 2) Option 2 C# as Server and Hyperterminal as Client Start C# appliation as TCPListener. Pick port number > 10,000. Make the End Point Start Listening Start Hyperterminal after C# is started and choose TCP/IP with IP address LocalHost. Use same port number as C# code.