Serial Port Hyperterminal
The hyperterminal in COMM mode is hard wired to the serial port connector on the PC. You C# software cannot access the same serial port the the hyperterminal is using so you would need a 2nd serial port on teh PC and a Null Modem whichwoould connect the two serial ports together. What you should do instead is set the HyperTerminal to TCP/IP which is on the same menu as the com port selection. You can make the Hyperterminal eith erthe client or Ser as follows 1) Option 1 C# as Client Hyperterminal as Server Configure Hyperterminal to TCPIP and IP address (loopback IP address) and port number. Usually I recommend a port number > 10,000. Start the hyperterminal and you will get an error can't connect to port number.
Then go to call menu and select 'wait for call'. Start C# application after Hyperterminal. Watch tv series online free.
Vga Port

Hyperterminal Commands Rs232
Use TCPCLient with same port number as Hyperterminal. Connect to 'LocalHost' as IP addrress. 2) Option 2 C# as Server and Hyperterminal as Client Start C# appliation as TCPListener. Pick port number > 10,000. Make the End Point Start Listening Start Hyperterminal after C# is started and choose TCP/IP with IP address LocalHost. Use same port number as C# code.