Windows Test Automation Tools
Naveen March 20, 2015, Selenium is an open source tool that allows you to perform functional testing for both web application and desktop applications. With help of selenium you can automate browser events and record and replay the script.
Working with selenium is very easy. Selenium allows to write scripts using according to your requirements and run it. Suitable for testing android applications.
Windows Test Automation
Anyone can test with Robotium as it requires very minimal knowledge. Robotium framework handles multiple Android activities automatically.

Test cases can be written and run in short of time and quickly that improves the fast execution. You can perform continuous integration with Maven, Gradle or Ant to run tests. Sahi is one of the best functional automation testing tools and provides all the support that required to automate testing for web applications. Free network marketing books. Record and playback any web application on any browser, any operating system. Smart accessor identification to identify elements in simple way.