Uses For Old Baking Powder

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I consider baking soda to be second only to vinegar. Both have a robust afterlife. When your baking soda expires there are so many uses for it in your kitchen, your bathroom, your garden, your closet that it almost makes me smile when I find an expired box. Transfer it into clean and empty spice jars, the kind that have a plastic insert with holes. Keep one in the kitchen, one in the bathroom and one in your closet. Then it’s easy to grab and sprinkle whenever and wherever you need it. Natural Cleaner Bathroom Cleaner: mix baking soda with liquid soap to form a paste you can use to clean the bathtub, shower and sink.

This works just as well as more expensive and chemical-laden cleaners. Kitchen Cleaning Arsenol: baking soda is great for cleaning pots, pans, glass and Pyrex cookware and buffing stainless steel cutlery. Natural Oven Cleaner: Make a paste with baking soda and a little water and rub all over your oven walls and door. Close the oven and turn on to 200 degrees for 10 minutes.

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Then turn the oven off and let it cool. Health and Beauty Antacid: mix 1 teaspoon baking soda with 4 ounces of water. Drink and you’ll feel much better. Caution: do not use more than 1 teaspoon of baking soda. Bath Soak: add a cup to your bathwater to soften your skin.

Baking Powder Substitute: if your recipe calls for baking powder and you have none, baking soda is a perfect stand in when mixed with cream of tartar or vinegar. Mix 2 parts cream of tartar with 1 part baking soda. Mar 15, 2018 - Don't throw it out! We found 11 smart ways to use expired baking soda around the house. Clean your oven, pots, and pans. Clean your drains. Deodorize your refrigerator. Soften your skin with a bath soak. Related: Spring cleaning, with salt! Make a DIY decongestant. Soften stiff paint brushes. Here are many uses for baking soda. Enter your E-mail Address: Enter your First Name (optional). To make your own baking powder, stir and sift together 2 parts of Cream of Tartar to 1 part baking soda and 1 part cornstarch. Put 1/4 cup of baking soda and 1/2 cup of your favorite potpourri inside old panty hose. For odor-removing sachets. Just a spoonful or two of baking powder in baked goods can mean the difference between light, tender baked goods and hockey pucks, so it's important to use the freshest baking powder available. Old baking powder simply won't perform its function of creating bubbles, and will only lead to disappointing results.

Body Scrub: some will suggest you also use it as a face scrub but it’s much too abrasive for your face. Nonton indo xxi subtitle indonesia. You’ll eventually end up with broken capallaries. But as a body scrub it’s fine. Breath Freshener: gargle with half a teaspoon of baking soda mixed with water.

Do not swallow. Canker Sore Relief: gargle with half a teaspoon of baking soda mixed with water.

Do not swallow. Decongestant: loosen up a stuffy nose by adding a teaspoon of baking soda to your vaporizer.

Deodorant: apply with a powder puff or cotton ball. Diaper Rash: put two tablespoons in baby’s bathwater to help relieve diaper rash. Itch Relief: either use the bath soak above or mix with water to form a paste to relieve itchiness from insect bites, rashes, bee stings, jellyfish sting and poison ivy. Once the paste is dry you can rub it off or wash it off. It is amazing how this paste takes the itch away for hours. Odors Be Gone: by rubbing your hands with baking soda and water.

Using Old Baking Powder


Uses For Old Baking Powder

This is especially helpful in the kitchen when working with garlic and/or onions. Sunburn Relief: use the bath soak above to gain relief from sunburn or windburn. Teeth Whitener: dip your toothbrush in hydrogen peroxide and then in baking soda. Caution: this trick has been around for a very long time, however my dentist feels that the baking soda is too abrasive and that the hydrogen peroxide kills healthy tissue. Around the House Air Freshener: mix baking soda with perfumed bath salts. Put the mixture in small sachet bags and leave in any rooms that need a little pick-me-up.

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